El Gran Sol Rojo del Amanecer

sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

Comunicado de prensa del Partido Comunista de la India (Marxista-Leninista).

Mubarak Get Out US imperialists, Keep Your Bloody Hands-off Egypt

The millions of Egyptian people in the streets of Cairo and Alexandria for almost last ten days have categorically declared their resolve to throw out Mubarak, the dictator who imposed a fascist rule over them for last thirty one years. When opposition to his continuation even for another day is mounting, it is becoming clear that it is the bloody hands of US imperialists behind him which is emboldening him to continue. It is a fact that Mubarak during all these years in power was functioning as the henchman of imperialists, especially US imperialists and of  Israel. All of these reactionaries want him to continue till a suitable replacement is found. But the people want him to get out immediately. And if  he is not quitting, they are getting ready to throw him out. The CPI (ML) declares solidarity with the fighting heroic people of Egypt to the fullest extent and joins with them wholeheartedly to demand Mubarak to quit without any further delay.
The US imperialists are playing their dirty game of interfering everywhere to impose their hegemony to plunder and to dominate. In the oil rich Middle East, using the Zionist Israel and their compradors and lackeys, like Mubarak, they have organized bloody aggressions as in Iraq and in Afghanistan and are enslaving the Palestinian people. That the people's revolt started in Tunisia has now reached Egypt and may spread to other countries is frightening them. That is why they are trying to continue with Mubarak as much as possible. It is high time that these imperialist barbarians are exposed and thrown out from all over the world.
The Manmohan Singh government in India which is trying hard to strengthen the collaboration with US and Israel is reluctant to openly condemn the heinous acts of the Mubarak regime to provoke violence against the protesting people. It is playing a wait and see game like the Kings and sheikhs of the Middle East, as all of whom are afraid about the fall out of these people's upsurge for democracy in their own countries.
The CPI(ML) calls upon all progressive democratic forces to mobilize people and organize demonstrations in support of the Egyptian people with the slogans: Mubarak Get Out, Yankees, Keep Off Egypt!

General Secretary, CPI(ML)
Dated 04-02-2011

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periodista obrero. Comunista (marxista-leninista). Antiimperialista, anticapitalista y antimilitarista.