El Gran Sol Rojo del Amanecer

domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017


(NOTA DE LUMINOSO FUTURO: Queridos camaradas del Comité Central del MLPD con profunda indignación por la vil amenaza de los fascistas les extendemos la siguiente nota de identificación y solidaridad de clase).


Con gran indignación hemos tomado nota del llamado hecho por criminales neonazis alemanes, el día 30 de septiembre, del corriente, de “matar a la camarada Monika Gartner-Engel y a residentes en Gelsenkirchener Hauptstraße o de la Internationalist List / MLPD”. En efecto, ésta amenaza de muerte – “encuentra= matarla”, escribió el cobarde asesino nazi- se inscribe en una campaña intimidatoria, bajo el marbete de la lucha contra el así llamado “extremismo de izquierda”, cuya fuente de inspiración está en el gobierno de Angela Merkel, con que evidentemente se quiere demonizar  al MLPD y sus cuadros dirigentes. Así, la noche del 2 de octubre, vecinos de la calle cercana a la sede del MLPD fueron amenazados y se ha dejado, con ellos, el mensaje: “¡Soy tú asesino!”. Seguidamente, dos días después, una pegatina con el símbolo del NPD (careta legal del neonazismo) fue fijada en la Oficina del MLPD. Lo que demuestra el creciente odio de clase al Partido Marxista Leninista de Alemania, en particular, el anticomunismo que amenaza desbordarse por toda Alemania, en general.

Nosotros comunistas de Panamá condenamos y repudiamos esta campaña intimidatoria dirigida contra los Marxistas Leninistas de Alemania y, particularizada en estas series de amenazas a la integridad física y la vida de la compañera Monika Gartner. Exigiendo, a la vez, de las Altas Autoridades del país una clara y pública investigaciones y castigos de los gamberros terroristas neonazis que de ella  resulten culpabilizados.

¡Salvaguardar la vida de la compañera Monika Gartner!
¡Ni un espacio más a los asesinos nazistas!
¡Trabajar y Luchar por el Frente Antifascista y Antiimperialista Mundial!

Por el Secretariado del Comité Central del Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) de Panamá.
Quibian Gaytan
Rosa Libertad
Panamá, República de Panamá, dado a los 6 días de octubre de 2017

Aquí de seguido, la nota denuncia de la vil amenaza de muerte dirigida por sectores neonazis alemanes contra la camarada Monika Gartner-Engel, a otros comunistas y ciudadanos democráticos de Alemania.

Fascist death threats against Monika Gärtner-Engel and others
The Central Committee of the MLPD is issuing a leaflet to provide information about fascist calls for the murder of Monika Gärtner-Engel and residents of a house on Hauptstrasse in Gelsenkirchen:
From the Central Committee of the MLPD
Dear residents, on the 30th of September a called was issued in the Internet to murderMonika Gärtner-Engel. She is the Responsible Person for Internationalism on the Central Committee of the MLPD and Main Coordinator of the revolutionary world organization ICOR. In Gelsenkirchen she is a well-known, popular representative of the MLPD, a member of the City Council and a local politician of AUF. Via Twitter Monika Gärtner-Engel was viciously slandered, a distorted, manipulated photo of her was spread, and a call was issued to hunt and kill her: “Find her = Kill her!” it says in English.
Threat through the entryphone
In the night of 2 to 3 October residents of a house on Hauptstrasse in Gelsenkirchen were threatened through the entryphone: “I am your killer! I am coming for you tonight!” The “International Meeting Place”, known for its exemplary solidarity with refugees, the local office of the MLPD and the progressive book and crafts store and travel agency “People to People” are located in the house. During the night of 4 October a hate sticker of the neofascist NPD was pasted to the office of the MLPD.
Of course, you can’t let yourself be intimidated by something like that.”
Gabi Fechtner, Chairwoman of the MLPD
In both cases charges were filed against persons unknown. Gabi Fechtner, Chairwoman of the MLPD, stated: “Of course, you can’t let yourself be intimidated by something like that. After all, 87 percent of the voters explicitly elected parties which are left of the protofascist AfD, and the progressive change of mood is appreciably stronger than the trend to the right.

But one must not take this trend to the right and such fascist death threats lightly. Their purpose is to intimidate. However, in the past they also have paved the way for brutal attacks including even the murder of antifascists, communists or migrants. It has not escaped the fascists’ attention that the MLPD and the Internationalist Alliance are gaining social importance, and so they step up their attacks. Apparently, fascist forces think they are getting the upper hand due to the upgrading of the AfD, and so they crawl out of their holes...
Fascists encouraged by “left-wing extremism” campaign
The fascists are encouraged and incited by the ‘left-wing extremism’ campaign of those in power. From the AfD we increasingly hear fascist sentiments, but the fascist followers of Erdogan or the fascist IS also are active in Germany.”
Don’t budge an inch for the fascists
Gabi Fechtner calls upon “all democratic people to resolutely oppose such fascist activities and to increase their vigilance. We demand the prosecution and punishment of those responsible and the banning of all fascist organizations and their propaganda. Resist the beginnings! Don’t budge an inch for the fascists!”

All antifascists, democrats, friends and local residents are called upon and requested to unite against such fascist activities, to provide relevant information and to organize the protest, for example at the Monday Demonstration on 9 October 2017, 5.30 p.m., Preuteplatz square. Thank you!
Solidarity is growing

Immediately after the death threats were made public, the first declarations of solidarity were received. The editors of Rote Fahne express their unequivocal solidarity and sharply condemn the fascist threats.

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periodista obrero. Comunista (marxista-leninista). Antiimperialista, anticapitalista y antimilitarista.