El Gran Sol Rojo del Amanecer

domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Solidarity with the Ukrainian miners

(Nota de Luminoso Futuro: Acá presentamos a nuestros visitantes amigos, Partidos y Organizaciones identificados con los intereses generales que particulares de la clase obrera mundial, un llamado a la Solidaridad y Sostén de los obreros mineros ucranianos victimados por la administración de las empresas y autoridades locales regentadas por el derechista partido “Nuestra Ucrania”. ¡Que se manifieste con fuerza revolucionaria la solidaridad y el internacionalismo proletario de los Partidos Comunistas y Organizaciones obreras del Mundo!)

Solidarity with the Ukrainian miners

Сapitalists of Ukraine continue to attack the rights of the workers` class, attack on the military, a truly independent trade unions. So, actually defeated the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Krivbass (NPGK), which operated in the Dnipropetrovsk region, primarily in the mine "October" Krivoy Rog iron ore (KZhRK). The union brought together nearly 500 miners and actively defended the interests of workers. NPGK leader Nikita Stotsky not give up, he had already passed two dozen trials, requiring compliance with the legal rights NPGK. For his position, he persecuted the administration and owners of KZhRK.

In the case of defeat NPGK directorate KZhRK (many of whose members are or recently were the deputies of local authorities from the right party «Our Ukraine», headed by former President Viktor Yushchenko) actively supported the union leadership of NPGU closely associated with one of the largest financial and political groups in Ukraine, the right team around Yulia Tymoshenko, and conducting an active policy of supporting "their" businessmen and politicians. With the grace administration KZhRK bosses of NPGU force seized office NPGK with all union property.

Hundreds of workers KZHRK struggling to restore the rights of its militant trade unions. But while the company management, local government and the corrupt courts do not back down. Necessary labor solidarity!

We demand that the administration of iron ore to restore all legitimate rights NPG Krivbass, stop interfering in union activities, to return union`s property! Hands off the leader NPGK Nikita Stotsky!

Coordination Council of workers movement of Ukraine (KSRD)

Please send letters of support at the following addresses in Ukraine:

1) President: str. Bankova, 11, Kiev, Ukraine, 01220, e-mail: 

2) The Goverment: str. Grushevskogo 12/2, Kiev, Ukraine, 01008, e-mail: 

3) Krivoy Rog iron ore (KZhRK): str. Simbirtseva, 1A, Krivoy Rog, Dnepropetrovsk region., Ukraine, 50029, e-mail: 

4) The prosecutor of Zhovtnevyy district of Krivoy Rog: str. Nevskaya, 3, Krivoy Rog, Dnepropetrovsk region., Ukraine, 50029

And also at the Ukrainian embassy in your country.

Copy of a letter forwarded, please on address of Coordinating Council of the workers movement of Ukraine (KSRD): 

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periodista obrero. Comunista (marxista-leninista). Antiimperialista, anticapitalista y antimilitarista.